SCHOOL RULES St.Thomas Residential Central School


  1. The successful completion of Nursery/Kindergarten Course is compulsory for admission to Class 1
  2. Students are expected to behave in an exemplary manner both inside and outside the classroom.
  3. Failure in examination, misconduct, failure to pay school fees and dues within the stipulated period, irregular attendance and violation of the code of conduct can cause removal of student’s name from the rolls.
  4. Students shall be clean and decorous in dress language and behaviour.
  5. English shall compulsorily be used as the medium of communication.
  6. Students should fully be equipped with Text Books, Note Books, School Diary, Pencils and other necessary school requirements.
  7. Students shall handle school property with care, loss or damage caused to school articles will be made good by realizing cost from the students concerned.
  8. Transfer requests should be made in writing by the parents/guardian on or before 1st March.
  9. Absentees shall produce leave application from their parents/guardians or produce proof of absence whichever the case may be.
  10. Students must respect all members of the school staff.
  11. All students should come in complete school uniform.
  12. Students are not allowed to wear costly wrist watches, ornaments, except for small ear-studs.
  13. Students are strictly not allowed to bring mobile phones, pen-drives, CDs, or such modes of transferable-data mode devices to the school campus.
  14. All parents are advised not to send their children to private coaching centers, as children who need special care in learning difficult subjects or chapters of any given subject, shall be arranged by the school authorities, either during school hours, or between 3:30PM – 4:30/5PM at no additional cost, thus giving children more time to spend at home, in games and for a holistic growth path. Parents are to contact office to make arrangements for special classes.
  15. Proper discipline must be maintained by the students while travelling in school bus.
  16. School Fees remittance should be of utmost importance as STRCS is not a government aided school. All monthly fees are to be remitted on or before 10th of every month. Beyond which a fine of Rs. 50 be levied per month.
  17. The management reserves the right to change, add, delete, modify or substitute any of the existing rules or other clauses.